Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Bye Bye Garden (just for now.....)

Well... it's the thick of growing season around here, as evidenced in the towering pea plants below .... so, logically, I'm off to Winnipeg!

But ---> before this "garden blog" reverts back to a "travel blog", just thought I'd capture a few more pix of the lovely garden in all its glory .... raspberries are juuuuust ripening in the last few days!

Butterflies and lavender will be missed!

Happy Canada Day!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Gardens are Growing!

Ay... these photos were taken weeks and weeks ago.... all gardens (below) are now overflowing with vegetables and flowers and fruits!

Rasberries are just starting to ripen and, so far, the silly scarecrows are doing their jobs....

Not that the birds are really scared of anything around here. Tim utilized his "bird whispering" ability again the other day and connected with an evening grosbeak hanging out in the driveway.

Frank & Lucy (resident Mallards) have been poking around the pond but have disappeared lately ---- which might mean we'll have fluffy little ducklings swimming around soon!

Luckily, these gardens mostly grow by themselves now because I have not had one second to tend them (too busy solving quadratic equations and balancing chemical reactions and predicting the parabolic paths of objects and ... etc etc)