Monday, March 23, 2009

How Does Your Garden Grow?

So, I sort of thought that - this year - maybe I'd kind of "blog" a whole growing season here at Garn Gardens! This year's first big project was completed this weekend: one new raised-bed vegetable patch right on the front lawn (who needs grass?)!
After laying down old, rotted, hole-y carpet, we created brick walls and then built a "lasagne" foundation (advice from fabulous book given to me by my mummy!)
Layers were: carpet, then criss-crosses of last year's sunflower & wildflower stakes, then copious amounts of home-made compost, then topped with a peat-soil-sand mix. Phew.

Project number two was extending the "potato patch" that was semi-built last year (and yielded the yummiest potatoes, pumpkins and squash!) We can't wait to see the "before & after" photos when these gardens are brimming with edible goodies by mid summer!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Seedy Saturday

Yesterday was "Seedy Saturday" here in Kelowna! Below is my bountiful swapping pile (woo hoo)!

You can check out the Seeds of Diversity website to find a seedy saturday in your parts (Halifax, I see ya but, Winnipeg... where are you?)

My own little 'living-room-greenhouse' is moving right along this year. Lots of tomato sprouts, eggplants, and the second picture below is my garbanzo beans stretching toward the sun!

I got a bunch of sunchoke tubers at the seed swap. We ate half of them tonight (to make sure they're as yummy as they say .... yup!). And now, the rest will go into the ground! There's more info about these "Canada Potatoes" in this article here.