Maybe baby makes things easier to handle after forty years on this earthly sphere.
Ocean Beach (where dad lives) is much more than acceptable, too (!!) --- the weekly Wednesday street market being one hella cool event to enjoy (witness the fully awesome band, Old Man Hands, below ---- complete with accordian, violin, standup bass, mandolin AND they were playing wicked tunes, too! WooHoo!!)
On my daily trek into OB today I FINALLY saw the San Diego Parrots --- after many years of trying to locate them! This is a group of about 20 parrots that escaped from a pet store many years ago & have been hanging & cawing (loudly!) and surviving in the area nearby my dad's house. I was walking back from the market today & was pretty sure that I was in their general vicinity when I heard an insanely loud amount of bird noise and noticed these gregarious green fellows at the top of some palm trees.Went to see the movie "Little Miss Sunshine" with my dad the other night at The Ken Cinema (voted "best movie theatre snacks in SD) up in the Hillcrest area... a section of town that my dad calls the "artsy fartsy" (translation: gay) part of San Diego.
It was hard to argue with his definition when, once in the theatre, I noticed that they sold "vegan cookies" and whole-leaf infused herbal teas. The movie rocked (!)--- even tho' I didn't partake of all the herbal offerings that could have been shaken onto my popcorn......
At right is a stained-glass peace symbol that is mounted on a small rock island just up the road from my dad's beach-house (in case you didn't guess how much of a hippie-haven my dad lives in......)
Not so bad here in So.Cal. this time around.
Not everyone is a Bush-loving, conservative, dreadlock-hating, dog-beating chowhound. S'nice, I guess. But.... it's still not Canada.
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