Thursday, February 28, 2013

OK TechgURLs Appy Hour at Streaming Cafe

The word "app" was voted 2010 word of the year by America Dialect Society ("hashtag" was 2012s)

The word app is a noun, and it’s short for “application.”  Application in this case refers to a software application — in other words, a software program.

An app typically refers to software used on a smartphone or mobile device such as the Android, iPhone, BlackBerry or iPad, as in “mobile app” or “iphone app.”  But the  phrase “Web app” or “online app” is also used in a business setting as an abbreviation for “Web application” or “online application” — meaning software that you access and use while online, via a browser, instead of software residing on your computer

simplest way is a google search--- for example, let's say you've decided to wrap up Startup Week with a party and you think maybe there's a great "party planning" app.... Google search gives list sites like 

It also uncovered this:

Which had low ratings BUT I could put it into Discovr Apps
 to uncover -->
MyGuestList (free!!)..... It doesn't look that great BUT once it's on my iPad I can use Genius at my app store to see if it recommends more!

Or a super simple thing to look at bottom of page in app description for what others download yields--->> pro party planner & iparty

---->> which brings up: Apps for finding Apps!! .... Ah Mashable:

Android--->> BAM

For Apple app discovery I use-->  appadvice which is like pinterest for apps (=time vacuum)

so... Maybe we've noticed that there really aren't that many great party planning apps out there--->>

Can I really CREATE my own app??

If you can script in C+, java, lua, you can go native or use phonegap or sleep now. Otherwise... This sections for you!!

yes, there are actually apps for building apps (in fact, my company is making one now!)

Some general ones--- and and

Hint--- do a search like "built with appmakr" to find apps built with these tools and see which ones suit your style

There are even ones specific for games --- Lots of people are liking codea

I play a game called CargoBot built with Codea & use it lots with students!  

4) the FUTURE of apps....     Lots of great ideas here including --->>>

By 2015, most developers say, they'll be coding apps for more than just smartphones and tablets--branching out into televisions (83.5%), game consoles (71.2%), the foldable screen (68.1%), and Google Glass (67.1%).

It's interesting to note that 74% of those surveyed plan to build apps for connected cars. Considering that California Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill Tuesday regulating self-driving cars in the state, it's easy to imagine a day when innovative apps built into cars that drive themselves will let us thoroughly embrace distracted driving--maybe we can even work on the way to work!

1 comment:

Ice Girl said...

Great session today Supertutor App Woman!