Tuesday, September 18, 2007


I entered an end-of-the-year "fall festival" photo competition out in Seymour Arm at the Community Fair and: (um...) I won!

Well... I didn't win in EVERY single event category but... I did place quite sweetly in the more - shall we say - "influential areas", which awarded me enough points to be crowned the Best Overall Photographer at the Fair!

These first four photos captured the coveted "Best Collection" prize .... (those other submitted entries of local logging fires and flower gardens just didn't cut it, I guess...) (click on any photo to enlarge it, by the by)....

Also "capturing gold" was this old photo of the vintage hotel (below -- now closed) which stands at the centre of Seymour Arm's town centre (if you can call it that)....

Now here's the kicker ---->> my favorite photo (below), which I've entitled "Mad Cow", actually did NOT win in the "Wildlife Photo" category.

Some silly picture of a squirrel won!

Life is so unfair....

The rest of the photos, below, are just part of my general Seymour Arm photo essay that I created over the summer.
I'm pretty sure this was the best summer of my life. Lots of good people, good books, great food, good times and creative endeavors. Guaranteed recipe for fun..........

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