Friday, April 10, 2009

The Forgotten Title

While uploading the pix for this entry, I thought of the best title .... and promptly forgot it. Ah well....
So... as of mid-April, the inside greenhouse is buzzing along and very (!) ready to be planted outside!
Last year's gourd harvest has dried and set & we're ready to start crafting it. We soaked and de-skinned them, then Tim carved them into some shapes. Next up: decorating!

The newest raised bed veggie patch received a wattle fence last weekend. It's amazing that Mother Nature provide young, pliable willow branches at exactly the time of year that fencing is required around the pea patch! And... that last season's sunflower stalks are dried & ready to provide the stakes in the fencing... amazing....
Next on the "amazing" list is the gorgeous dining room table that Tim is building. It's a huge timber & steel project that I hope will be able to make it upstairs one day for dinner!

Saturday, April 04, 2009

The Winnipeg Panzees come for a Visit!

We interrupt this gardening blog for a quick update: My lovely cousin & her adorable young son (pictured above) --- graced us with a visit this week!

We took the little fella down to the sunny beach and spent long hours lolling in the warmth and sunny calm.... We did NOT - repeat NOT - drag him from store to store, shopping for women's shoes, women's garments, women's accoutrements, etc. Nope. We hung at the beach. And...

We sipped tea! From Victoria's famous (and yummy!) Silk Road Tea. Yummity-yum yum! (oh yeah, a little wine, too.......)

Bye bye Winnipeg panzees! And next time you visit, bring the great Ape (Mulghetta, aka "Mr. Shaney") with y'all!!